06 September 2010

lilly jay meets the newer sheron faye & other escapades.

this weekend, my niece lilly jay and i visited the sweet young cow named sheron faye at wholesome dairy farms. when not spying on the young crew of cows, lilly was attempting to pick yellow wildflowers growing tall and lanky out in the meadow.


after leaving the cows behind for the day, we ventured to fisher's farm fresh produce and scooped up three oversized vanilla sugar, sprinkled-happily cookies care of the black buggy baking company

almost looking like a cookie thief running off with her supply of disc-shaped desserts, one was for her, one was for her cousin lillee grace, and the final sweet was for me.

back at my house, lilly managed to eat all my sweet, miniature tomatoes that were ripe on the vine in my garden. it was probably about half a dozen though, so not too many.

she admits to being a fan of my glider chair and spent some time in porch rail jail too.

we also trotted our way down to a playground on franklin street where lilly could not go on one of the three blue slides because somebody had pooped on it. who poops on a slide ? the nearby teenagers have vengeance for that place ever since parents and neighbors started complaining about the hoodlum ways of older kids loitering and smoking around the playground. it's a shame. so i suspect the fecal joke might be a result of their efforts.

but we had a jolly old time despite the one out-of-service slide. and lilly jay worked on her fear of the see-saw so that she could appreciate how darn fun those things are.

that is a sly face, i know.

1 comment:

  1. I adore all the fantastic shots of Lilly Jay! She is so fab, especially sporting those killer specs!
