13 February 2014

s'now way-- yet again.

i missed posting for a year. too many things to do, ah.

this winter is compensating for all the easy ones that came before it. a whopping snowfall today will soon have another one following it, just a few hours later.

i never expected to love a machine so much, a snowblower from a friend who was kind enough to give me very affordable pricing, and it was almost new when i brought it home.

today's revving and augering took more than two hours. thank lordisa for the snowblower. the thing deserves a name. i'll work on that.

while i now have social media dwindling due to liking privacy better, this blog may not be something even a few people stumble across if i begin posting again more, which is my hope. but that works for me. i really have missed this place and spending some energy on nature-swept eye-scenes and word throwings. it all benefits the heart and peace the world needs.


  1. Not to sound creepy, but you wouldn't have had a livejournal years ago called the mad poet, would you?

  2. it's funny (the other funny as i now call it) that you ask. i was just talking to an old friend about livejournal, wondering if our accounts still existed. yes, that was me. how'd you figure out the relation ?

  3. Well, I remembered your name from either LJ or Blurty, so I logged back into my old accounts to double check. That seems like lifetimes ago! Craziness!

  4. but i don't think this blog lists my name. or maybe it does in a few cross-posts from articles. i was curious how you figured out the connection directly. were you ever in pennsylvania or only virginia ?
