27 August 2014

freebie tomatoes are the thing sometimes.

i would really love to come back here more, to this blog. this weekend, i scheduled no interviews, hiking, or other plans. the hours of this weekend will be dedicated exclusively to gardening and yard cleanup and hopefully not burning to a pennsylvania dutch and irish crisp, with the help of some sunscreen and the floppiest straw hat i ever owned. and some sunglasses. 

i love when tomato parts mate and make new children. these are two happenin' offspring from near my compost area last year. the freebie plants that popped up via kind nature-efforts this year are still in the process of growing and are apparently leaning toward being more sizable. 

now that i think of it, maybe these tomato kids weren't in fact hybridized but instead ones that had blurred seed parents making their way to my yard from my neighbor's garden. either way, they were free. and i love when food ties in such freedom.  i am a grateful eater. nommm.

23 August 2014

an ode to those little orbs of rainbow parts.

x-posted from news, not blues:

bubbles are everything that is fun in the world. 
go make some happen. seriously, though.